New York is usually associated with professional success. But it is possible to move towards it from afar – for example

How to get a free education in the United States
Free education in the United States is not a fantasy, but the result of long and painstaking work.

New York for the Student: Studying in the Coolest City in the World
Thousands of people around the world dream of living in New York City, the largest and most cosmopolitan city in the United States.

Private School in New York: Pros and Cons
Of course, education in a private school does not consist of only pluses. Prospective students and their parents should consider the disadvantages of private schools

University of Buffalo: From medical school to New York’s largest university
Usually a large university with a large green campus, modern classrooms, student clubs of all kinds, and beautiful athletic fields and stadiums come to mind.

Where to Learn English in New York City
It’s better to learn English where it is spoken. And studying with accommodation in New York City also involves a lot of educational and recreational activities